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Terms And Condition

Terms & Conditions

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By making a purchase or accessing the Website of The Betel leaf co ("Restaurant"), youagree to the following Terms and Conditions. It is your own responsibility to ensure that youare fully aware of all of these Terms and Conditions when making a purchase on The betelleaf co ("Website").
Please read the following terms and conditions very carefully as your use of The betel LeafCo website and services offered by The betel leaf co are subject to your acceptance of andcompliance with the following terms and conditions.By browsing, accessing, subscribing to or using any of our services you agree that you haveread, understood and are bound by the terms, regardless of how you subscribe to or usethe services. In these terms, references to “Website” shall mean the betel leaf co website,"you", "user" shall mean the end user accessing the Website, its contents and using theservices offered through The Betel Leaf co, "Service Providers" mean independent thirdparty service providers, and "we", "us" and "our" shall mean The Betel Leaf co and itsaffiliates.The betel lEaf Co reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or removeportions of these Terms of Use, at any time. It is your responsibility to check these Terms ofUse periodically for changes. Your continued use of the site following the posting ofchanges will mean that you accept and agree to the changes. As long as you comply withthese terms, The betel leaf co grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable,limited privilege to access and use the website and services offered by Om Sweets.
Registering at The Betel Leaf co is free service and you will receive a username andpassword upon completing the website's registration process or completing a transaction.You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password, andare fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account.You agree to
  1. Immediately notify The betel leaf co of any unauthorized use of your account or anyother breach of security, and
  2. Ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. The Betel Leaf Cocannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply withthis requirement. You agree that if you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate,not current or incomplete or Om Sweets has reasonable grounds to suspect that suchinformation is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or not in accordance with theTerms of Use, Om Sweets has the right to indefinitely suspend or terminate or block accessof your membership with Om Sweets and refuse to provide you with access to the website.
If you are a non registered user you agree that upon reviewing the order at the website auser account will be auto created for you and the access to the same will be communicatedto your email address provided.
When you use the website or send emails or other data, information or communication tothe Betel Leaf co, you agree and understand that you are communicating with The BetelLeaf co through electronic records and you consent to receive communications viaelectronic records from The betel leaf co periodically, as and when required. The Betel Leafco may communicate with you by email, sms, telephone or by such other mode ofcommunication, electronic or otherwise. Your use of the website entitles you to receiveperiodic communication regarding The Betel leaf co services through email, sms, telephoneor by such other mode of communication, electronic or otherwise. If you wish to not receiveperiodic informational communication from The betel Leaf co you can unsubscribe to thecommunication through your account settings.
The User hereby consents, expresses and agrees that he has read and fully understandsthe Privacy Policy of The Betel Leaf Co in respect of the website. The user further consentsthat the terms and contents of such a Privacy Policy are acceptable to him.
You agree and undertake to use the website strictly abiding by the following principles:You will not upload, publish, host, transmit, display, modify, update or share any informationthat, in the sole discretion of The Betel leaf co:Is grossly racial, harmful, sexual, harassing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic orotherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoeverInvolves an illegal or unauthorized use of copyrighted workIs not belonging to you or to which you have no rightsRefers to any website or URL that contains material that is inappropriate for The Betel LeafcoContains software viruses, computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroyor limit the functionality of any computer resourceYou will not promote or try to gain unauthorized access or exceed the scope of authorizedaccess to The Betel Leaf co and its connected networkYou will not interfere with another user's use of the The Betel Leaf Co WebsiteYou will not violate any law currently in force in India or outsideYou will not attempt or otherwise impersonate another person during the use of The BetelLeaf Co websiteYou will not engage in or forward chain letters, surveys, contests, pyramid schemes withany association to The BeteL leaf CoYou will not use any automatic device, program, or methodology including but not limited to"deep-link", "page-scrape", "robot", “spider” or other such means, or any similar manualprocess, to access, acquire or copy any portion of the The Betel Leaf co website or anycontent withinYou will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of The betel cowebsite, or any other systems or networks connected to Om Sweets WebsiteYou will not use the website or any content for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited bythese Terms of UseYou will not violate any of the terms and conditions of this agreement or any other termsand conditions contained elsewhere within The Betel Leaf Co.You will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Betel Leaf Co and its owner, licensee,affiliates, and their respective officers, directors and employees from and against any and all liabilities, claims, costs and damages, (including legal fees and disbursements inconnection therewith and interest chargeable thereon) result from any breach of this Termsof Use, Privacy Policy and other policies, or your violation of any law, rules or regulations orthe rights of a third party.
This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted and construed in accordance with thelaws of India. The place of jurisdiction shall be exclusively in Bangalore.
Restaurant is owned by The Betel Leaf Co (“We/Us”). We reserve the right to change theseTerms and Conditions at any time. Any such changes will take effect when posted on theWebsite and it shall be your responsibility to read the Terms and Conditions on eachoccasion you use this Website and your continued use of the Website shall signify youracceptance to be bound by the latest Terms and Conditions.You agree to
  1. Immediately notify The Betel Leaf Co of any unauthorized use of your account or anyother breach of security, andImmediately notify The Betel Leaf Co of any unauthorized use of your account or anyother breach of security, and
  2. Ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. Om Sweets cannotand will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with thisrequirement. You agree that if you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, notcurrent or incomplete or The Betel Leaf Co has reasonable grounds to suspect that suchinformation is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or not in accordance with theTerms of Use, The betel Leaf co has the right to indefinitely suspend or terminate or blockaccess of your membership with Om Sweets and refuse to provide you with access to thewebsite.
If you are a non registered user you agree that upon reviewing the order at the website auser account will be auto created for you and the access to the same will be communicatedto your email address provided.
PERSONAL INFORMATION:b> We collect personally identifiable information that you mayvoluntarily provide on online forums, which may include user details, feedbacks, comments, online surveys etc. This aforementioned personally identifiable information (PersonalInformation) collected on our Website can include your name, company name, address,telephone number, email addresses. All information shared by you on our Website istreated as confidential and is kept secure.NECESSARY INFORMATION:b> Please note that we only store necessary informationrequired to make a purchase through our Website and we take care not to disclose yourPersonal Information to any third party without your consent. During the time of signing up,you have the option of opting in for our newsletters, future offers etc. Signing up for thisservice would entitle us to save your Personal Information for the intended purposes only.ONLINE PAYMENT: If you chose to pay online through various methods allowed by ourWebsite, we assure you that we do not save any information related to your credit/debitcards or passwords. All the information you provide is processed through a secure server.
  1. Products and services displayed on the Website do not constitute an offer to sell. Ordersplaced by you are offers to purchase particular product under these Terms and Conditionsat the price specified (including delivery and other charges).
  2. We reserve the right to accept or reject your offer for any reason (or no reason) including,but not limited to, the unavailability of any product, an error in the price or productdescription, or an error in your order. In the event that we cancel your order, we will providea full refund of any payment received.
  3. Use of the Website is available only to persons who can form legally binding contractsunder Indian Contract Act, 1872.
  4. You agree not to access the Website through any other interface than provided by us toyou.
  5. You agree that your use of the Website is a limited license granted by us. We reserves aright to discontinue your account without providing you any reason thereof.
  6. You agree that you are solely responsible for your account details and to keep yourpassword secure. If you suspect any misuse through your account, you are required toinform us in writing immediately.
Our Privacy Policy has been presented in detail on our Website. Please review our PrivacyPolicy before signing up for using our Website. Our Privacy Policy would allow you to fullyunderstand our practices.
All Prices declared on the Website are exclusive of taxes. Please verify the total payableamount during checkout before placing the order. Our prices are liable to change anytimewithout notifying you. You shall be responsible for full payment of the order received by you.All charges payable shall be displayed on the Website, no extra charges would beapplication for these services.
You are allowed to choose between various payments options while placing an order on theWebsite. You agree to use your own debit/credit card or bank details for transaction. Wewould not be responsible for misuse of your card if all the security checks are verified. Youagree that the methods of payment may be updated from time to time on the Website. Youagree to review the same and use our Website and suitable payment option accordingly.
The logistics of delivery shall be handled by us and our service providers. At the time ofplacing an order, an estimated time of delivery depending on your location would also beshared with you along with a contact number for tracking status of your order. Please notethat we work our best to ensure that you receive your order as fast as we can butsometimes due to external factors like traffic, strikes etc., your order might take a whilelonger.
Please note that all orders shall be considered confirmed unless you cancel the orderbefore it is dispatched to you. You need to call us in order to cancel your order or to changeyour order before its dispatch. There are no cancellation charges if you cancel your order inthe given timelines. All the communications will be shared with you on your registeredmobile number or email id.
You can contact us at the phone number provided to you while placing the specific order oremail us at with complete details of the complaint encountered by you. We shall try to fix theissue amicably.However if there is any legal dispute, then such dispute shall be handled by a sole arbitratorappointed by us under Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The language of Arbitrationshall be English only and the location shall be Bangalore.
You agree that your usage of the Website is a limited license to place an order using theWebsite. This license is to access the Website for personal use. You are not authorized tomodify or download any portion of the Website without written consent of us. You do nothave commercial license to use this Website. No part of this Website shall be used by youfor any commercial purpose without written consent from us.
We, our logo and content displayed on our Website is exclusive intellectual property of ours.We have copyright over its unique software and compilation used in working of thisWebsite. You shall not reproduce any portion of the Website for any use, whethercommercial or personal, without express written consent from us.No framing: You may not frame or utilize framing technologies to enclose any trademark,logo, or proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of us and ouraffiliates without our express written consent.Meta-tags: You may not use any metatags or any other ‘hidden text’ utilizing our name ortrademarks without our express written consent. Any unauthorized use terminates thepermission or license granted by us to you forthwith and would further attract legal actionagainst the violator.
  1. Nature of content: You may post reviews, comments and other content; and submitsuggestions, ideas, comments, questions or other information, as long as the content is notillegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing of intellectual property rights to otherwise injuries to third party or objectionable and does not consist of orcontains software virus, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, mass mailing or anyform of spam.
  2. False information: You may not use false email address, impersonate any person orentity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of a card or other content. We reserve the right(but not the obligation) to remove or edit such content.
  3. Rights Granted: If you post content or submit material, you grant us a non-exclusive,royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sub-licensed right to use, reproduce, modify,adapt, publish, translate, create derivative work from, distribute, and display such contentthroughout the world in any media. You grant us and our affiliate sites and sub-license theright to use the name that you submit in connection with such content.
  4. Right Owned: You represent and warrant that you own all the rights or otherwise orcontrol of the rights to the content that you post; that the content is accurate; that the use ofthe content to supply does not violate this policy and will not cause injury to any person orentity and that you will indemnify us or our affiliate for all claims resulting from the contentyou supply.
We reserve the right but not the obligation to monitor and edit or remove any activity orcontent. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any content posted by you orany third party on their Website.
We and our affiliates attempt to be as accurate as possible. However, we make nowarranties that the product description and any other content of its Website is accurate,complete, reliable, current and error free.
Please review our other policies. We reserve the right to make changes to our website,policies, and these Terms and Conditions at any time. If any of these conditions shall bedeemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition shall be deemedseverable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining conditions.
These terms and conditions will be construed only in accordance with the laws of India. Inrespect of all matters/disputes arising out of, in connection with or in relation to these termsand conditions or any other conditions on this website, only the competent Courts atBangalore, India shall have jurisdiction, to the exclusion of all other courts.
  1. This Website is provided by us on an "as is" and "as available" basis.
  2. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to theoperation of this Website or the information, content, materials, or products shown on thisWebsite. You expressly agree that your use of this Website is at your sole risk.
  3. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, we disclaims all warranties, express orimplied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose.
  4. The images shown on Website are only indicative in nature & the actual product mayvary in size, colour etc.
  5. We do not warrant that the Website, its servers, or email sent from them are free of virusor other harmful components. We will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising fromthe use of this Website, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive andconsequential damages.


Privacy Policy
All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold,shared, rented or leased to any third parties.The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally tomeet the requirements and standards. Therefore the Customers’ are encouraged tofrequently visit these sections in order to be updated about the changes on the website.Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.Some of the advertisements you see on the Site are selected and delivered by third parties,such as ad networks, advertising agencies, advertisers, and audience segment providers.These third parties may collect information about you and your online activities, either onthe Site or on other websites, through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies in aneffort to understand your interests and deliver to you advertisements that are tailored toyour interests. Please remember that we do not have access to, or control over, theinformation these third parties may collect. The information practices of these third partiesare not covered by this privacy policy.
Terms and Conditions
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed andconstrued in accordance with the laws Of India.India is our country of domicile.Minors under the age of 18 shall are prohibited to register as a User of this website and arenot allowed to transact or use the website.If you make a payment for our products or services on our website, the details you areasked to submit will be provided directly to our payment provider via a secured connection.The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules.
Method of Payment
We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in Rupees.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.[/et_pb_code][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Our Dark Stores


Bangalore - Vasanth Nagar

Ground Floor, 45 Millers Road, Vasanth Nagar,

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Bangalore – Koramangala

646, 100 Feet Rd, 6th Block,

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Bangalore – Yelahanaka

No. 15, HIG HS, 1ST AND 2ND STAGE, 1ST A MAIN ROAD, YELAHANKA, NEW TOWN , Yelahanka , B.B.M.P North, Karnataka - 560064

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Bangalore – Mahadevpura

# 59, 1st Floor, 1st Main, Maheshwari Nagar,Mahadevapura,Karnataka Bangalore -560048

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Bangalore – Bannerghatta Road 

Near Vijaya Bank Layout
Bommanahalli, Bangalore-560076

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Bangalore – Whitefield

Hopshaus, #101 & 45, Whitefield Main Rd, Narayanappa Garden,

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Bangalore – Hennur

210, 1st A cross road
Rajanna Building, Kanakadasa Rd, near Cmr school Bangalore-560084

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Bangalore – R R Nagar

#4 Chandrashekara road , Near BEML gate bus stop BEML layout , 3rd Stage , Rajarajeshwari Nagar Bangalore 560098

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111


Ahmedabad – Ashram Road 

2, Shreyas Complex, B/h. Income Tax Building, Ashram Rd, nr. Dinesh Hall, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111



Shop No. 2 to 5, Gopi Plaza, 16/6 Mathura Road Shri Sai Baba Market, Metro Pillar no.691, Old Faridabad, Sector 19, Faridabad, Haryana 121002

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Gurgaon - DLF

House No. H-16/6, Block H, DLF Phase 1, Sector 26, Gurugram, Haryana 122002
Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Gurgaon - Sohna Road

Unit No 37, Ground Floor, Housing Board Colony, Sector-49, Gurugram, Ghasula(88),Gurgaon, Gurugram, Haryana - 122018
Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111


Hyderabad – Banjara Hills

120/120/1/71, Middle shop ,
Near indo american cancer hospital ,Avenue IV road 10 , Banjara Hills
Hyderabad – 500034

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Hyderabad – Sindhi Colony

1-8-215/38,PG Road ,
Above SBI
Sindhi Colony ,
Hyderabad – 500003

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Hyderabad – Hi tech City

1-8-215/38,PG Road ,
Above SBI
Sindhi Colony ,
Hyderabad – 500003

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111


Mumbai – Andheri East 

Shop No. 7, Trans Residency I, Wing E and F, Subhash Road, near Icici Bank, Vyaravali , Vyaravali-midc , Greater Mumbai Ward-k/E- 400093

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Mumbai – Lower Parel

#28 G02, CH107, Ground floor ,
Raghuvanshi Mill Compound Building , SB Marg, lower Parel ,
Mumbai – 400013

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Mumbai – Ghatkopar

10 E wing, Kailasha Esplanade, Opp. Vijay Sales and Brand Factory, LBS road, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai – 400086

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Mumbai – Malad 

Gala no 114, Old Sonal Industrial Estate, Kanchpada Mumbai – 400064

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Mumbai – Kalyani Nagar 

Nagar Rd, opp. Barbeque Nation, Matru Chhaya Society, Nilanjali Society, Kalyani Nagar, Pune Maharashtra – 411006

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Mumbai – Thane 

D-4/101 MTOSHRI CHS MHADA-1 SWAMI VIVEKA THANE , Vartaknagar ManpadaZone, Thane Municipal Corporation (Thane Zone-1)Maharashtra-400610

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Mumbai – Bandra 

RAJGIR MANSION,GARAGE-1,DR AMBEDKAR ROAD KHAR (WEST), NEXT TO GULSHAN DAIRY, Greater Mumbai Ward-H/W, Greater Mumbai, Maharashtra-400052

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Madhya Pradesh

Indore – Old Palasia 

181, Gulmohar Colony, Saket Nagar, Old Palasia, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452018

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111



NO D-2, MOTI KUNJ, MALVIYA MARG, C SCHEME, JAIPUR, Jaipur-II Ward 25, OPP SBIC-SCHEME BRANCH ,Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302001

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111


LAKE PALACE ROAD, OPPOSITE GARDEN ,HOTEL, GULAB BAGH ROAD , Hotel Rajashree Palace 3rd Floor,Udaipur ,Udaipur, Udaipur, Rajasthan-313001

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111


Chennai – Annanagar

1581, 15th Main road, Annanagar west, Chennai – 600040

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111 

Chennai – Purushavakam

Shop no 4 , Door no 64, Opposite Bentick girls high school, Beside Doveton Bridge, Jermiah road, Vepery, Chennai – 600007

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111 


Pune – Erandwane

Office no 44 , 2nd Floor , Patil Arcade , Kashibai Khilare path, Erandwane, Pune – 411004

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111


Delhi – Shalimar Bagh

BH - 596-A, Ground Floor, East Shalimar Bagh, Rithala, Rohini, North West, Delhi - 110088

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Delhi – Chahtarpur

RAJGIR MANSION,GARAGE-1,DR AMBEDKAR ROAD KHAR (WEST), NEXT TO GULSHAN DAIRY, Greater Mumbai Ward-H/W, Greater Mumbai, Maharashtra-400052

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Delhi – Shahpur Jat

29 A, Shahpur Jat, Siri Fort, New Delhi, Delhi 110049

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Delhi – Janakpuri

WZ-61, Nangli Jalib B-1 Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Uttar Pradesh


GTO BPO Rd, DM Compound Colony, Kaiserbagh Officer's Colony, Qaisar Bagh, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226001

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111


H-38, Sector-51, Noida, SECTOR-51 NOIDA, NOIDA CITY ZONE-4, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh - 201301
Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

West Bengal

Kolkata - Ballygunge

36/2B, Garcha Road, Ward 86, Ballygunge, Kolkata - 700019

Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111

Kolkata - Kankurgachi

No 175/P/1, Manicktala Main Road, Borough - III,Kolkata Municpal Corporation,Kolkata West Bengal - 700054
Email: thebetelleafco@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6366641111